Compositions of the Band "Quo vadis" Друкувати
“Quo Vadis” has many compositions that are waiting to be recorded. Here are some of the band’s songs.

1. "Famine" ("Голодомор") (Words and music by A. Ustrytskyy)

2. "You do not know" ("Ти не знаєш" ) (Words and music by A. Ustrytskyy)

3. "O Mary" ("Маріє" ) (Words and music by A. Ustrytskyy)

4. "We will meet again" ("Ми ще зустрінемось" ) (Words and music by A. Ustrytskyy)

5. "It hurts me" ("Мене Болить" ) (Music by A. Ustrytskyy)