Четвер, 11 серпня 2011
In this section are published excerpts from the diploma dissertations of the students of Drohobych Theological Seminary. Full versions of work can be consulted in the library of the Seminary. Детальніше...
In this section are published the most interesting articles from the Seminary magazine "Word". To consult its printed version, please contact the library of the Seminary or the editorial staff of "The Word".
Magazine "Slovo" vul. D. Halytsjkoho 2 82100 m. Drohobych Lvivsjka obl. Ukraine Tel/Fax: +380324421704 Tel.: +380324438649
E-mail: slovo@dds.edu.ua Детальніше...
Father Isydor Dolnytskyi was born on February 21, 1830 into a priestly family in the town of Zaliztsi (Brody region), where his father Ivan was the pastor.
At the end of 1845 when he was in the first class of the Ternopil gymnasium, Metropolitan Myikhaylo Levytskyy sent him to study at the Greek College of St. Athanasius in Rome. After returning to Galicia in 1856, Isydor was ordained a priest and assigned as an assistant at the Church of St. George in Lviv. In 1857 the Metropolitan named Fr. Isydor chaplain for the students at the College of St.. Athanasius in Rome. He defended his Doctorate in Theology, and from 1863 worked in the Committee, which prepared materials for the canonization of St. Josaphat Kuntsevych. Then Pope Pius IX named him his deacon, and on all feast days Isydor read the Gospel in Greek.
In 1877, Metropolitan Josyf Sembratovych recalled Fr. Isydor to Lviv and appointed him Spiritual Director and Professor of Liturgy and Church Music at the Lviv Theological Seminary. In 1885, Fr. Isydor founded there the Brotherhood of the "Entry of the Blessed Virgin into the Temple." He was also the Spiritual Guardian of the Basilian Sisters.
Isydor made a significant contribution to resolving ritual questions at the Lviv Synod in 1891. He wrote several tracts, which the Synod later adopted in its decision. He is the author of several Akathists, services and hymns, but definitely the greatest of his scholarly achievements was the publication of his "Liturgical Typikon" (Typyka, 1899), which is the liturgical ordo of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.
His contemporaries said the following about Fr. Isydor: : “Well he was - “Dzyadzo”, Father Prelate - a man from a fairy tale almost, rather an eternal poet - happy, enthusiastic, always delighting in the creative effort , hard working, kind, affectionate, and above all forgiving, and self-sacrificial beyond measure, and unbelievably warm, soft - a saint, his whole life was just”.
When Fr Isydor died on March 22 1924 he was believed to be a saint. He is buried in the Lychakivskyy cemetery in the tomb of the Cathedral Chapter. Детальніше...
Throughout the history of the Drohobych Seminary we have had good friends - our sponsors. They are people of good will from Ukraine and from outside its borders. Thanks to them our Seminary can successfully operate in the field of education for priesthood. We always remember them in our Liturgies. For those who would like to join the list of our donors and thus contribute to the preparation for priesthood here are the details of our bank account (hryvnia and foreign currency):
Дрогобицька Духовна Семінарія (Drohobytska Duhovna Seminaria, vul.D.Halytskoho,2 Drohobych, Ukraine) Код ЄДРПОУ 26483496 «Alfabank» Kyiv МФО 300346
in UA Hryvnja:
UA 87 300346 0000026001017850101 UAH CARD - 4102 3251 2402 6311
in EURO:
purpose of payment - donation (добровільна пожертва)
for other foreign currencies, please, contact us.
For many people the idea of a "brotherhood" represents a closed-in group of individuals who are organized around clearly limited ideas. A brotherhood unites all the members of this group into a single organism, which gives them the right to be called brothers. When a member goes outside the limits of permissible thinking he automatically terminates his right to have brotherhood with others who have remained true to the principles of the statutes of the brotherhood. It is not surprising that being in such a brotherhood means submission, self-criticism, doing whatever the ideal requires. In other words, you are my brother for as long as you share traits common to all brothers. A step to the left or to the right is simply unacceptable.
On the other hand, the Christian understanding of "brotherhood" is significantly different. Actually the Church itself, as the Mystical Body of Christ is a true brotherhood. Even the prayer "Our Father", which the Savior taught His disciples, itself reveals this great ecclesiological mystery. The recognition of God the Father, as our own Father and faith in this spiritual unity, puts us in a position not only of brotherhood among ourselves, but also of brotherhood with the Everlasting Only Begotten Son, who is Head of the Brotherhood. Here, unlike in a secular brotherhood, freedom of action is not restricted by anything. You remain a brother even while being free to choose a path that leads in an opposite direction.
However sinful, a brother is a brother who is sick and who needs the most of all the Brotherhood of the Church. Excommunication of a sinner is not a punitive act, done by healthy members of the Body of Christ, but it is a confirmation that our brother is weak and that he has put himself outside the community. Thus, we see that the Christian Brotherhood in its very roots has nothing in common with the groups of people, about which we spoke before. If in the first example, the unifying factor is a common idea, for which the members of the brotherhood live, in the second case, we are all united not by an object, but by the person of Christ and our faith in Him.
However, this faith emerges in the form of specific activity, that is the revelation of Christ's love in the world. With regard to this we have the very eloquent words of the Apostle James: "What does it profit, my brethren if a man says he has faith but has not works? Can his faith save him? If a brother or sister is ill-clad and in lack of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled”, without giving them the things needed for the body, what does it profit? So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead"(James 2:14-17). Understanding these words as a call to action, individual members of the Church have always joined together, with the blessing of their spiritual leader and under his guidance, in shared charitable activity in the name of Christ. Their aim has been to do for their needy neighbors what the world could not (or would not) do. This is a fraternity of Brotherhood, Church organizations within the Church and for the Church.
One such fraternity is the Brotherhood of "The Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple", which has been founded at the Drohobych Theological Seminary. Together with their spiritual father, the brothers gather for weekly prayer in the Church. The main criterion here is freedom in the Holy Spirit. Meeting and being in union with God in a close communication is a prerequisite for meeting other people in love. That is why prayer is so important for members of this community. The brothers go out into a world of people who perhaps are far from God, and these people need someone who is close to God. The outreach of the brothers through preaching is like Christ’s coming to His younger brothers, and not like a well-prepared student of theology lecturing to a clearly defined audience. As, God Himself points out "No one comes to the Father except through me" (Jn 14:6). Therefore, the fundamental mission of members of the seminary community is to witness to Christ and not to himself. Детальніше...
Our academic year begins with Liturgy celebrated by our Bishop in which we pray for the health of all the brothers and ask blessings for the year. According to our tradition we elect the Dean of Students for the Seminary. All the seminarians gather in the auditorium and consider who might be worthy candidates for this office. Having considered everything, the brothers fill in the name of one of their number on specially prepared sheets of paper and then put them into an urn (made especially for this purpose). Once all the names have been collected, the Central Election Commission is organized consisting of all the “seniors” of the different years and the votes are counted to determine who will be the Dean of Students. The newly elected Dean asks the blessing of the administration, and then he undergoes the traditional inauguration ceremony that consists of his “enthronement” on a special tree-stump. Then he proceeds to take up his duties.
After some months of study the winter feast days arrive, one of which is the feast of St. Nicholas. On this day, we traditionally hold two events: the Seminary celebration of the feast of St. Nicholas and a celebration of St. Nicholas together with the Youth Choir "Vidlunnia (Echoes)” and the Brotherhood of the Holy Trinity Cathedral. Both these celebrations are very similar and yet different.
The celebration of the feast inside the Seminary is always organized by students of the third course and this allows them to show their creativity. You may ask why? Because on this evening they present episodes of everyday life in the Seminary in a rather comic light. Parallel with the third year coures’ organization of the celebration of the feast of St. Nicholas, the second year course, organizes theirs for the choir "Echoes" and the Brotherhood of the Cathedral. Here, both sides try to show the shortcomings of the other side through pointed jokes but as everything must be based on real events that have actually taken place, there can be no exaggerating or inventing situations, After these two nights there is always a good atmosphere and good memories.
In October, for the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God we organize the Pokrovsky celebrations with a “Strong Men Competition”. In these competitions each course tries to show their abilities both physical and intellectual. Naturally, as in any competition there is a jury, which evaluates all stages of the contest and who in the end makes a decision. Although this is a contest and, of course, places are awarded in the end, as people like to say “friendship is the ultimate winner.”
The month of May is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. At this time we have special devotions to the Mother of God in our Chapel. But this is not all. In this month we have the annual pilgrimage to Hrushiv (a center of Marian devotion near Drohobych), which involves a large number of people not only from Drohobych, but also from other cities and villages, as well as our seminarians. This has become a tradition not only for the Seminary but for everyone. But, we do not limit ourselves only to the Hrushiv pilgrimage and every year there are also pilgrimages to Univ, Krekhiv, Zarvanytsia, Bylychi and other holy places.
Twice a year we have a “Carnevale”: before the Christmas and Easter fasts. A large number of young people gather at these events because on the next day we begin our ascent of the spiritual “ladder of perfection” so that we may adequately meet these two great feasts.
Our summer camps have a slightly different character. After a long year of study young people want to relax and, with this in mind, we organize our summer camps “Zarephath”. However, the goal of the summer camp is not just to have a good time, it is also an opportunity to work with youth on their spiritual growth and introduce them to a deeper understanding of Christianity. Each year these camps take place in different places, mainly in the mountains and they attract young people from almost all over Ukraine. Детальніше...
6.00 - Rising
6.30 – First Hour and Divine Liturgy
8.00 - Breakfast
8.30 - The first teaching session
10.05 - Break
10.15 - Third Hour
10.25 - The second teaching session
12.00 - Break
12.15 - Third teaching session
14.00 - Lunch
14.30 - Sixth Hour in the chapel
14.45 - Free time
16.00 – Individual Study time
19.00 – Ninth Hour and Vespers
19.40 - Dinner
20.50 - Spiritual Conference
21.15 - Evening prayer and preparation for sleep
22.00 – Sleep
Members of the Seminary community, who wish to have a deeper prayer life, are united in the Brotherhood of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple. The Brotherhood, which is closely linked to the Brotherhood of the same name at the Lviv Seminary of the Holy Spirit, is under the protection of the Fr. Isydor Dolnytskyy – a prominent liturgist of the 19th century.
Seminarians regularly produce a religious-social magazine called the "Word" every two months. The magazine has a high production and printing standard, with a few thousand being distributed throughout the parishes of our Eparchy.
During the Christmas, Easter and summer holidays Seminarians help in the organization of holiday services in parishes in the East, Center and South of Ukraine, in the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan, as well as working in summer Christian Youth Camps - the so-called "Sarepta."
A great deal of attention is given to creating conditions in which Seminarians are able to make a free choice about their future state in life. In order to gain a better understanding of monastic life, during the holidays students are able to live for a limited period of time in actual monasteries, and to familiarization them with the Sacrament of Marriage, special series of conferences for clergy, are given to students in the senior courses.
"And it was evening and it was morning - one day ..." At the time when the new day is about to begin, at Drohobych Seminary the bell rings: 6.00 – a time for getting out of bed, getting ready for the First Hour and the Divine Liturgy, for a meeting with Christ, whom we meet in the word of the Gospel and in the edifying, soul building sermon of the Fathers and in the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist. As St. Gregory the Theologian says in his 32nd Discourse: "We must first make ourselves clean in order to make others clean; we must acquire wisdom to teach others wisdom, be a light in order to enlighten, to get closer to God so as to bring others to Him, be sanctified that we might to sanctify others ".
Then - breakfast and lectures, which begin at 8:30 am and last until 13.50, during which students acquire the knowledge and the skills necessary for their future ministry. During one of the breaks between lectures (there are three breaks daily) the Third hour is prayed, because prayer is an integral part of the growth of Seminarians.
At 14.00 - Lunch at which seminarians receive tasty meals made with love and professional skill. It is important to acknowledge, the women who cook, the cleaners and the other workers, who put their soul into their work, and who take care of the seminary students as if they were members of their own families.
Immediately after Lunch, the Six Hour is prayers, and after that - free time with permission to go to the city. This time lasts until 16.00. At this time a period of private study begins and continues until 19.00. Students, by preparing for lectures, deepen their knowledge. They also attend electives in foreign languages, choir rehearsals for the seminary choir "Oranta" or other activities.
As well as their studies, each student has a specific ministry. This work may be in the iconography workshop, the editorial staff of the seminary magazine "Word"; preparing religious radio programs that are broadcast by local television and radio company "Alset" at 19.00 on Tuesday and Thursday. Other seminarians work in the Charitable Foundation "Caritas" with children from troubled families. Many students serve in orphanages, where they teach catechism to the children, and try to help give at least a little bit of grace and God's light to little ones, who have already suffered so much pain and disillusion, by sharing with them the Father's love.
Together with the ministry "outside the walls ", students also perform a variety of physical jobs, that are necessary for the maintenance of the daily life of the seminary. His awareness of his vocation as service to God and to His people, helps in this daily work. "We have to perform our duties among difficulties and with dedication ... not from self-interest! Not to cling to your position in society. For Christ has placed in our hands the work of the salvation of our people "- so said Metropolitan Sheptytsky and reality of his words still lives on...
Along with their study, fulfilling ministries and responsibilities, students do find time to rest. They attend concerts of sacred and choral music, organize and carry out literary evenings, interesting meetings where various issues interest for of both church and society are raised. Our guests were Bishop Cyril Vasil’, Joseph Wert and Igor Isichenko; Professors Gudziak, Marani, Suttner, Colzani; Fr. Mykola Pristay; guests from the Armenian Apostolic Church; Lesya Dychko, the Secretary of the Union of Composers, the winner of the Taras Shevchenko Prize, a Professor from the National Music Academy of Ukraine; Mstislav Yurchenko PhD, winner of Lysenko State Prize, Deputy Head of Department Musicology State Academy of Administration of Culture and Arts of Ukraine; the poet Dmitry Pavlychko and others.
There is no shortage of sports fans: In the seminary there is a gym with various forms of sports equipment. In addition, students enjoy playing football and participating in various competitions.
19.00 - seminarians gather in the chapel for the Ninth Hour and Vespers. Next - dinner at 21.15 - common evening prayer in the chapel. Then the bell rings at 22.00, which marks the end of the day.
The last rays of evening sun are just visible. They give the sign that this day has ended, but tomorrow will give birth to a new day - a new stage in preparation for the Holy Sacrament of the Priesthood.
"And it was evening and it was morning - day..." Детальніше...
Our library was established in 1996, when the Drohobych Seminary was set up, as a essential part of the school. The emphasis in the library is on spiritual (religious) literature. The main subject areas are : "Scripture", "Writings of the Church Fathers", "History of the Universal Church", "History of the Ukrainian Church", "Philosophy", "Spirituality", "Theology", "The Works of A. Sheptytsky and J. Slipyy", "Lives of Saints and Ascetics", "Liturgical Studies”, “The Holy.Mysteries", "Religion", "The Priesthood", "Christology", "Family and Marriage”, "Catechetics". The Library also makes available literature on Ecclesiology, Apologetics, Iconography, Psychology, General History, Cultural History, Church Music, Canon Law, Councils and Synods and Church liturgical books. At the present moment were are cataloguing our electronic library which includes a huge number of publications, many of which are rare. Borrowing from the Library is restricted to the students and staff of the Seminary but the services of our reading room are open to the public. Детальніше...
Rev. Dr. Myron Bendyk
Fr. Taras Koberynko
Moral Theology , Liturgics
Fr. Ivan Havano
Philosophy, Patristics
Dr. Roman Andriyovskyy
Liturgical Day, Canon Law, Italian
Fr. Hryhoriy Komar
Spirituality, Liturgics
Fr. Ihor Kozankevych
Pastoral and Family Theology
Fr. Myroslav Sobolta
Church Slavonic and Typikon .
Fr. Mykhaylo Kolischak
Spiritual Direction
Fr. Andriy Oseredchuk
Fr. Oleh Kekosh
Workshops in Catechesis and Christian Ethics
Fr. Oleh Spodar
Pedagogy, Sociology, Ancient Philosophy
Dr. Bohdan Zavidnyak
Philosophy, Latin
Mr Ihor Bryndak
Church History
Dr. Alexandra Kozankevych
Psychology of Family Relations
Fr.Ihor Tsmokanych
Mr Nazar Duda
Pastoral Work with Youth
Rev. Dr. Roman Fedko
Mr. Taras Zubrytsky
English, Greek language
Dr. Andrew Quinlan
Liturgical Year
Mrs. Nadiya Bun’
Church singing, Social Interaction
Fr. Andriy Bun’
Seminary Choir
Ms. Olena Kurtyak
Church-state Relations (Legal aspects)
Mr Ihor Shumey
Ukrainian language
Fr. Vasyl’ Chava
Pastoral medicine
Fr. Yuriy Khamyliak
Denominations of Western Christianity, Philosophy of Religion, History of Religions
Rev. Dr. Yuriy Shchurko
New Testament Scripture
Fr. Svyatoslav Horodetsky
Parish Administration
Mr. Vasyl’ Demkiv
Canon Law
Dr. Oleh Tsymbalyuk
Canon Law
Spiritual Directors: Fr. Mykhaylo Kolischak - born 12.03.1968 Lybokhora (Turka district, Lviv region). 1989 - 1996 - Kiev Theological Seminary and Academy. Ordained - 07/16/1996 Skole (Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary), Ordainer - Bishop Yulian Voronovskyy.
Fr. Oleg Smereka - born 09/15/1967 in Borislav (Lviv region). 1992 - 1996 Ivano-Frankivsk Seminary. Ordained - 11/10/1996 Drohobych (Blessed Trinity), Ordainer - BishopYulian Voronovskyy.
Fr. Ivan Pankiv - born 16.07.1967 in Mosty (Gorodok district Lviv region). 1992 - 1999 Catholic University of Lublin, where he obtained a Master's Degree. Ordained - 08/09/1996 Drogobych (Blessed Trinity), Ordainer - Bishop Yulian Voronovskyy.
Fr. Roman Volyanskiy - born 16.04.1972 in Bilychi (Staryy Sambir district Lviv region). 1992 - 1997 Lviv Theological Seminary of the Holy Spirit. Ordained - 11/02/1997 Drohobych (Blessed Trinity), Ordainer- Bishop Yulian Voronovskyy.
Fr. Stepan Uhryn - born 8/01/1976 in Drohobych (Lviv region). 1994 – 2001 Lviv Theological Seminary of the Holy Spirit. 2009 - 2012 Pontifical Oriental Institute, Licentiate in Eastern Church Studies (Spirituality). Ordained: 15/06/2003 Drohobych (Blessed Trinity), Ordainer- Bishop Yulian Voronovskyy.
Confessors: Fr. Eustahiy Ladyka Fr. Ivan Kovba Детальніше...
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